Today, our everyday life is surrounded by numerous outcomes of scientific research. People believe in and rely on scientific facts and even look for hope for the future of mankind in scientific advances. However, it is almost impossible for the public to deeply understand scientific accomplishments, diverse and complicated. Our understanding of science is mostly at a superficial level and the majority of people’s faith in science is almost blind. Based on her own experiences as an artist as well as a researcher Oh points out that the basis scientific truths are founded on is not as solid as our expectations.According to the artist, a scientist’s research and experiment are close to probabilistic adventures carried out repeatedly to approach a targeted goal. It is like a dice game that one endlessly repeats with hope in mind. At times, a dice is cast on to an inclined ground regardless of the intention and we only get the wrong result in this case. Oh takes a look at what we lose in a so-called “scientific process” and raises questions about the overwhelming position of scientific truth.In the Random Access Project Vol. 7, Dice Game, Oh presents two works. Her new work titled Hope for the Rats is composed of a video game and records of failure that researcher P experienced. While experiencing artwork, visitors are naturally encouraged to recall the incomplete foundation that scientific truths are rooted in. Another work BirthMark deals with an artificial intelligence (A.I.) that has the capacity of appreciating works of art. It implies there is a human realm that can be hardly explained through scientific methodology like what the “birthmark” in a short story of the same title symbolizes.

Oh Jooyoung ≪Dice Game≫