Color bars of the television test pattern are combined with Chinese characters. Nam June Paik often employed letters as part of painterly elements in his drawings and paintings. From the right-hand side of Untitled, Paik filled each bar with such characters as follows: to compare (比), large (泰), to cumulate (畜), the teacher (師), to allow (訟), the sky (乾), the land (坤), to thrive (昌), to be used (需), the hair (毛), to step on (履), the family (家), the house (戶), the human (人), the nation (國), in between (介), to achieve(成), ten thousand (萬), small (小). Most characters appear in the I Ching Hexagrams, which Paik wrote down in mixed order. The repetition and combination of these characters that look like coded sequences prompt the viewer to decode them.