The winner of Nam June Paik Art Center Prize 2010, Bruno Latour, professor of Science Po Paris and Vice President of Research for the same institution, has been honored for being the forefront thinker who opened new ways of thinking with his theories bridging fields of philosophy, techno-science, scientific visualization, anthropology and politics. Based on his thoughts, he has co-curated two important exhibitions with ZKM, Karlsruhe, titled Iconoclash(2002) and Making Things Public(2005). The exhibitions are now regarded as a revolutionary way of linking art and science and they have resulted in the recent creation of a new program in ”political arts” in Sciences Po.

Nam June Paik Art Center is pleased to announce Bruno Latour (b. 1947, France) as the winner of the Nam June Paik Art Center Prize 2010.
Some excerpts from the discussion of the jury: “The recipient has to be a high mediator to connect Paik’s thinking and action to the actual interests of intellectual and perceptive world,” said Xavier Douroux. According to Anne-Marie Duguet, “I find Latour’s thought very much in tune with Paik’s one. […] None has the radical and deep thinking of Latour.” “We are honored to give this year’s Prize to Prof. Bruno Latour, and we are sure that master minds of both Latour and Paik will meet together to open up an unforeseen dimension in the future study of Paik. This will be a historical and strong statement,” said Young Chul Lee, Director of Nam June Paik Art Center.